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4 comentários

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  1. Liz Ward

    Professor Sandroni,
    Thank you for posting your research on the CEPACs in Sao Paolo – this method of value capture is fascinating. I recently visited Rio de Janiero and was introduced to the CEPACs being used in Porto Maravilha. Do you happen to have any familiarity with this UO? If so, have you published any articles on this? My understanding is that they have used a different approach with the CEPACs than in Sao Paolo. I am attempting to research, but am having some difficutly in finding material (or at least anything in English).
    Thank you again.
    Warm Regards, Liz

    1. Paulo Sandroni

      Dear Liz,

      Cepac is indeed a very sophisticated method of value capture. Municipalities in Brazil specially S.Paulo have a considerable extra income to invest in infrastructure and social houses. Concerning social houses the case of Jardim Edith in UO Agua Espraiada is one of the most interesting.

      Cepacs in Porto Maravilha operation in Rio is quite different from S. Paulo. Most of the land inside the perimeter ( 67%) is already public owned land. The model of selling Cepacs is also different because there one financial public institution ( Caixa Economica Federal) bought all the Cepacs issued and paid almost 2 billion U$ to the Rio de janeiro City Hall and now is selling Cepacs to developers interested in projects in the area. Up to now Caixa Economica did only one public auction of Cepacs. Tried to sell 100.000 units but sold only 26.000. In terms of amount it was a failure but in terms of price it was a tremendous success because Caixa Economica bought the Cepacs for R$ 560 ( U$ 270) and sold for R$ 1,250 ( U$ 600).

      The information about this process is very limited also because the institution created by Caixa Economica is a Fund similar to the US REITs and not necessarily has to sell Cepacs in public auctions in the Stock Market as is the case in SPaulo. So may be they have already negotiated more Cepacs not necessarily declaring them to the public.

      Best Regards,

      Paulo Sandroni

  2. Paulo Sandroni

    Estimado Juan Carlos,

    Solamente ahora leí tu comentário. LO que estamos preparando en ciudades brasileñas es el concepto de basura zero. Es decir el concepto que basura no existe, lo que existe son materiales fuera de lugar. Estamos proponiendo que las empresas sean pagadas no para limpiar las ciudades sino para mantenerlas limpias suponiendo que a cada año la cantidad de basura enviada a los rellenos sanitarios disminuya por la acción del reciclage, el reuso y la reducción en los fuentes primários. En ese sentido es que los rellenos tenderían a desaparecer en el largo plazo.

  3. paulo sandroni

    Thanks for your comments. I am preparing some texts in English so more people can participate leaving commets and suggesting new insights about these matters.

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